Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Truckling to God

As of Late, I have been struggling with where God calls me. Today I came across an interesting word: Truckle...whose meaning goes something like this -

1. To yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another; to act in a subservient manner.
2. A small wheel or roller; a caster.

As much as I try to do what He requires of me, I resist. Newton's Law of Motions states that, "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." As much as I pull back, He pursues me all the more. Adversely, when I become the pursuer, He fleetingly escapes me.

1 comment:

breadgirl said...

Your last sentence or so brings to mind 'The Hound of Heaven', Francis Thompson's wonderful poem. If you haven't read it already, you should look it up. It is deep, moving, and truly beautiful. God bless.